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Showing 1–12 of 41 results
Product categories
SR300 Class A Industrial Pyranometer
Internal heating and ventilation; calibrated tilt sensor; Modbus RS-485 output -
SR30 Class A Pyranometer
Internal heating and ventilation; tilt sensor; Modbus RS-485 output -
BLK Black Absorber & GLD Gold Reflector
Provide your heat flux sensors with radiation-absorbing black and radiation-reflecting gold stickers. -
GG01 Water-Cooled Gardon Gauge
Water-cooled Gardon gauge sensor for high heat flux measurements up to 1000 kW/m²; robust and radiation-sensitive -
NR01 4-Component Net Radiometer
Measures the 4 Separate Components of the Surface Radiation Balance, with internal heating and 2-axis leveling assembly, with millivolt output -
SRA30 Class A Albedometer
Features heating, ventilation, and tilt sensor, and Modbus RS-485 output; ideal for high-accuracy PV monitoring and extreme climates -
DR30 Class A Pyrheliometer
Features heating, tilt sensor, and Modbus RS-485 output, ensuring high data availability and accuracy