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Solar Energy

Our product range for PV monitoring includes pyranometers (measuring global solar radiation) and pyrheliometers (measuring direct solar radiation). The purpose of solar radiation measurement in photovoltaic (PV) systems is to compare the available resource to the system output and to determine efficiency.

Solar Panels in a field

Environmental & Meteorological Monitoring

For those dedicated to the precise measurement of environmental conditions, our range of monitoring instruments offers unparalleled accuracy and reliability. We provide state-of-the-art solar radiometers, including net radiometers, pyranometers, and pyrgeometers, ideal for comprehensive solar radiation measurement. Additionally, our heat flux sensors and ultra-high accuracy soil temperature profile sensors are designed to meet the rigorous demands of meteorological research and environmental monitoring.

Thermal Research & Development

For professionals involved in pioneering thermal research and development, Hukseflux offers a comprehensive range of advanced heat flux sensors that ensure precision and reliability. Our sensors are engineered to provide accurate measurements across diverse thermal environments, supporting both fundamental research and practical applications with high performance and consistency.
Thermal Research & Development
Heat Flux Sensors

Heat Flux On Curved Surfaces

If you want to learn more about the changes in temperature and heat flux particularly on curved surfaces, our range of sensors offers the ideal solution. These sensors are designed to be flexible, robust, and capable of operating under extreme temperature conditions. This is perfect for a variety of specialized applications.

Insulation & R-Value Testing

Heat flux sensors are crucial in insulation and R-value testing as they provide accurate and direct measurements of the heat transfer rate through insulation materials. By placing these sensors on or within the material, and measuring the temperature difference across it, you can precisely calculate the R-value, which indicates the material’s thermal resistance. This enables a detailed assessment of the insulation’s effectiveness, ensuring energy efficiency and compliance with building standards. The use of heat flux sensors allows for reliable and repeatable testing in both laboratory settings and real-world applications, aiding in the development and quality control of advanced insulating materials.
Building Physics

Fire Safety Testing

Heat flux sensors play a pivotal role in fire and flame safety testing by providing precise measurements of heat transfer rates in various materials and environments. These sensors are crucial for evaluating the fire resistance and flammability of construction materials, textiles, and other products. By quantifying the heat flux, researchers can assess how quickly and intensely materials heat up when exposed to flames, enabling them to determine ignition points, burn rates, and thermal protection levels. This data is essential for developing safer materials, improving fire safety standards, and designing effective fire prevention and response strategies.

Aerospace & Rocket Testing

In the high-stakes field of aerospace and rocket testing, precise heat flux measurement is crucial for ensuring safety and optimal performance. Our specialized sensors are engineered to deliver reliable data even under extreme conditions, making them indispensable for aerospace applications.
Aerospace and Rocket Testing

Soil Research & Energy Balance

Hukseflux products are utilized in soil research and energy balance studies to provide accurate and reliable measurements essential for understanding soil thermal properties and surface energy exchanges. Our heat flux sensors, such as the HFP01, are used to measure the heat flux at the soil surface, which is critical for studying soil heat storage and transfer. This information is vital for applications in agriculture, meteorology, and climate science, where understanding the energy exchange processes is crucial for modeling and predicting environmental conditions. By providing precise measurements, Hukseflux products facilitate comprehensive insights into soil behavior and energy dynamics, aiding in sustainable land management and environmental conservation efforts.

Industrial & High Temperature Heat Flux

Our sensors are integral in providing critical measurements for process monitoring and control. They are used in applications such as analyzing aluminum reduction cells, detecting fouling in boilers, and monitoring blast furnaces and flame processes. By measuring heat flux, these sensors offer early detection of temperature changes, enhancing process control and enabling faster responses to potential failures. Hukseflux sensors are optimized for a wide range of conditions, including high temperatures and hazardous environments, ensuring reliable performance across the harshest conditions.
What is Heat Flux? High Temperature Heat Flux

Battery Thermal Monitoring

The development of battery electric vehicles has highlighted the need for effective thermal management due to the lack of an engine to generate heat and the sensitivity of lithium-ion batteries to temperature changes. Our sensors can measure both temperature and heat flow, providing valuable insights into the thermal dynamics of battery components. This helps in evaluating battery performance, detecting degradation, and implementing effective thermal countermeasures, ultimately enhancing the safety and efficiency of BEVs.

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